Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Political correctness and risk of offending people out of control?

I saw yesterday that a school somewhere in the uk has banned mothers stop orphans being offended.

I have nothing against orphans, but surely this is ridiculous, first chirstmas being attacked and changed to suit the needs of the minority and now this?

I am not a racist and i dont think any one culture is better than another but i do believe in majority rules, which i think can be acheived without being disrespectful to the minorities.

I wanted to get some other views on this, because it seems very very out of control.

I live in northern ireland, and although it is not as bad here we do hear most of the news from the uk and it seems to be getting worse everyday!Political correctness and risk of offending people out of control?
Political correctness is evil. Those responsible for introducing the stupidness you have revealed should be ashamed of themselves. Though I'm not on good terms with my mum, I wish her well. Sometimes the one hope humanity has going is the love of mums. You are correct to raise this as a question. God bless.Political correctness and risk of offending people out of control?
Please realise that it is this government that is encouraging PC, aided and abetted by much of the teaching and TV media professions. That is why schools feel they can indulge themselves with egalitarian extremism. It is part of a wider left wing agenda, not peculiar to that particular school.

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I have not heard about this new law and I can't believe anyone normal would keep their child in this particular school, I certainly wouldn't the same as I wouldn't dream of NOT wishing my neighbours and friends Happy Christmas.
I totatally agree with you! Everyone's life is different but you can't change national holidays because of a certain group of people who may not have to celebrate it... How can you ban mothers day anyway? and with you not politically allowed to say christmas lights... it must be winter lights and stupid things like that. We are celebrating parts of everyones culture... chinese new year... diwali(not sure how you spell it) yet we don't seem to be allowed to celebrate our own? i think that's stupid because we're overrulling our own culture completely instead of intergrating our society with other peoples.
Sounds like American schools, teacher unions get what ever they want.
Yes, it is crazy. I was reading about a school in English where they were going to do a play about the ';three little pigs';. They were so scared of offending the Muslim community they wanted to change the name to the ';three little puppies';. Funnily enough, nobody in the Muslim community was offended by the original title. They knew it was a a kids fable %26amp; weren't at all offended by it. It's the white ';do gooders'; that cause all of the PC bullsh*t.
Yes, it is out of control.

Political Correctness is Progressive censorship. A way for self-appointed society ';elites'; to control how we speak and think.

It also allows the minority to control the majority. They use the courts (a judge and jury of 12) to control and rewrite laws rather than by ballot (the majority). They also use public insults of insensitivity and bigotry to keep people quiet. (This coming from the people that were teased mercilessly in grade school.)

Banning Mother's Day has to be the most insane thing I have heard in a long time. What is next banning birthdays so we don't get offended by getting older?

I am willing to bet that the orphans are the minority. Whether they like it or not, orphans were brought into this world by their mothers. Their mothers may not be in their lives but still a simple giving thanks for being born shouldn't be too much trouble.
'Political correctness is completely out o control. Soon you we won;t be able to say anything at all, as it MIGHT offend someonr who can't speak english. While we are at it, lets ban getting up in the morning. Would not want to offend those on night shift, and vise-versa.
I disagree with you. I believe some cultures are inherently better than others. Consider that in Somalia culture focuses on identity. It goes something like this:

Me against my brother

Me and my brother against my cousins

My family against my subclan

My subclan against my clan

My clan against Somalia

Somalia against the world.

This culture has demonstrated its inability to sustain a national government. And you contend that this is equal to Western culture?

Cultures are like operating systems on a computer. Some are better suited for different processes and goals than others. I submit to you that Western culture has demonstrated that it is better suited for national stability than other cultures.

Okay, that doesn't answer the question, but now you're thinking.
It is yet another control technique. This increasingly Totalitarian Government is expert at inventing minority groups, then empowering those groups by enacting legislation etc which gives them special rights, and then, in turn, uses the rights that it has created for these minority groups to oppress the majority. They have even set targets for babies to achieve. What they are trying to do, of course, is to sideline parents so that they can control the upbringing of children, and brainwash them into becoming approved clones of the state. There is endless amounts of evidence to support this view.

I sincerely believe that these control techniques are part of a wider left wing agenda. We can only understand what is going on by placing these things into there correct context.
Yes it is madness. Only yesterday the Three Little Pigs story had to be changed to Three Little Puppies in case the mention of pigs upset Muslims - madness!
No minority group attacked or changed Xmas, it was well meaning people reacting to a rumour.

The only group that has complained was been born again Christians complaining about the Easter bunny.

What happens is a troublemaker send out 10 e-mails with a scare story in them, and says 'pass it on'. Before you know it you've got concerned people who think that the flag, or xmas, or whatever is offensive to someone. Nice, well meaning people get panicky because they don't want to offend anyone.

So you get rumours that 'they' are trying to ban the flag during the world cup when it was being sold and hung everywhere, its like common sense goes out the window.

We had a couple of orphans in our class and at Mothers day they used to get given something else to do while the rest of us made a card. They were given a treat. The rest of us didn't mind.

If staff at a school today can't come up with a better solution to an embarassing social problem than this, they're not really up to problem solving or leading by good example.
I agree with Jock, he is absolutely right, its the white do gooders, when you actually talk to people with different religions/cultures, they will mostly say that they enjoy our celebrations ect. These do gooders are causing the most damage, they cause hatred in our society. Now the orphans at this school are even more aware of Mothers day because its hit the headlines!! Stupid or what!

When we are afraid to say black coffee (and have to say coffee without milk) or chalkboard instead of blackboard, what message does this send? black isnt a bad word, black people are proud to be black - yet again, its the bloomin do gooders - when will they realise?
I agree that this correctness sometimes seems to be getting out of hand.The school in question should not only consider the orphans,God bless them%26lt; but also all their other pupils and their parents. It would be interesting to know how many orphans are actually at this school, I would have thought very few, and surely they have carers or guardians who could be considered proxy parents.This problem is also prevalent in schools in many ways where the perceived possibility of offence to an ethnic minority means that the majority have to be penalised in some way. What will the school do on sports day, ban all parents because some may not have any or they cant attend. What about parents evenings where you go to get reports on your child's progress ? Who goes on behalf of the unfortunate ones.I don't agree with racialism but I think this type of thing makes it worse as it highlights to the children the differences between them instead of them integrating together.Some of the things you read in the papers make me feel very sad for the well being of our community as a whole.
Limbaugh show...text 3/15/ are a lemming
Yes, the world is going mad and I just ignore it as I have a brain which is more than these people have. If we listen to these stupid people we may as well stay in for the rest of our lives as according to them just going outside is dangerous! I might trip up or go into a shop and insult someone just because I am (slim, fat, tall, small, blonde, brunette, happy, sad, rich, poor or just breathing! Live and let live!
I can top that!!!

A local school has just banned the 3 little pigs story for fear of offending those who do not eat pork!! They have changed it to the three little dogs...............

.what can you say to this utter stupidity? If the people who made these decisions actually asked the very people they were afraid of offending they would discover that the vast majority don't give a monkeys ,and are happy to live alongside different cultures and lifestyles without offence being taken.

They are making issues out of nothing and annoying a lot of people along the way, just give it a rest and concentrate on the things that really matter to people.
I see your point,its also getting like that here (U.S.A.).
The headmistress of that school is a silly white cow. oops, did I insult the four legged ones?
POINT 1: The article is in the Daily Mail. I would treat anything in the Daily Mail with a high degree of caution because it is a pernicious reactionary rag.

POINT 2: The article says the school has banned Mothers Day CARDS, not the day itself.

VERITAS - I know you are an obsessive right winger but even by your standards to blame the Government seems to be an amazing twist of logic - did you read the article?

ST ABBS - You haven't heard about this ';new law'; because there is no new law. Read the article (even if it is is the Mail), don't misinterpret the misinterpretation of the article.
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