Friday, May 14, 2010

Risks for Woman over 50 using Birth Control?

My mother was recently put on BC because of her having 2 periods a month, he said she was in good shape so he isnt worried about her being on it for a year, but there are some risks, He didnt say what. Does Anyone know What the risks for her being on it are????Risks for Woman over 50 using Birth Control?
women 40 and up 7 of 26 die per 100,000

warning signals :

sharp chest pain coughing of blood shortness of breath

severe headaches and vomiting loss of vision breast lumps weakness yellow eyes and painless skinRisks for Woman over 50 using Birth Control?
All women taking oral contraceptives (BC pills) face some risks. Smoking (at any age) increases risks of blood clots (potential cause of stroke). Other risks include

The best way is for your mother to discuss all this with her doctor directly.

Some health risks may still exist for users of OCs. These include the following:

* High doses of estrogen may contribute to formation of blood clots that can result in heart attacks and strokes. For the vast majority of woman taking OCs, the amounts of estrogen in today's OCs pose no risk of heart attack or stroke. However, the risk apparently increases dramatically in women who smoke. Other factors that increase the risk are:

o %26gt;35 years of age

o hypertension

o diabetes

o high cholesterol

* It is recommended that women older than 35 years of age who smoke do not use OCs.

* OC users may be at increased risk of developing cervical cancer. These women should receive a yearly examination of cervical tissue, especially if they have been using OCs for at least 5 years.

* Women who have used OCs for longer than 4 years are at increased risk of developing benign liver tumors, although this condition is rare. The tumors disappear if use of the OC is discontinued.

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