Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is the risk of me getting pregnant on birth control?

Me and my boyfriend have recently stopped using condoms, and I've been on Aviane for about 2 months (I start my second period since on the pill tomorrow), and we've both been tested for STDs and we know we're clean. I just wanted to know the percent chance of me getting pregnant while on birth control, and if it's necessary for us to continue using condoms anyway?

as an added note: he pulls out anyway, but we both know about pre-*** and the risk of getting pregnant without condoms or birth control, etc. we've looked into this before.What is the risk of me getting pregnant on birth control?
When used correctly, oral contraceptives have a very high rate of effectiveness, around 94-99%. This means that if 100 women took birth control pills as directed for 1 year, 1-6 of them would get pregnant. Couples in monogamous relationships with no risk of sexually transmitted diseases don't have to use condoms in addition to birth control pills. Condom use might put your rate of effectiveness closer to 99%. Nothing but abstinence is 100% There is no real reason for him to pull out either unless it is your own personal preference. When couples have sex with no birth control method, there is about a 20-25% chance that pregnancy will occur. With the pull out method, there is about a 35-40% chance of pregnancy, so not too much better than using no birth control at all.What is the risk of me getting pregnant on birth control?
Its all down to statistics, even without any contraception only 85% of sexually active women will fall pregnant within a year. Simply add extra levels of protection to the point where you are comfortable. For example you can reduce the risk to 1 in 500 women each year by using the pill (1%) and using safe times (20%) or just ask yourself :

Do I feel l lucky tonight?

and don't forget to multiply the risk by the number of years you are sexually active - the figures becoming quite frighting then!

To your added note: Pulling out is not a good method, sperm can be released before ejaculation and the most potent sperm are in the first 1ml spurt plus you are dealing with a man :)
There should be a little booklet or pamphlet that comes with your birth control pills that will tell you the risk of getting pregnant. With most pills there is less than a 1% chance of getting pregnant if you take your pill correctly - which means taking them every day at around the same time. Antibiotics, certain vitamins, etc can lower the effectiveness rate. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking certain medications to see if they will interfere.

Of course, like Kristen said, sometimes people get pregnant even though they are on the pill. There is nothing with 100% effectiveness, so there will always be a risk unless you don't have sex at all.
It varies pill to pill I think, but for the type I use (Tri Sprintec) there is a 5% chance of pregnancy in the first year of typical use, and a .5% chance with perfect use. I stopped using condoms w/ my boyfriend about two years ago and have been fine, but we are considering starting to use them again - at least some of the time. I think it depends on if you are prepared to deal with an accidental pregnancy. The less prepared you are, the more you should probably do to avoid it. There really is very little risk, but it is there.
The chance of getting pregnant on the pill is slim to none of you take it PERFECTLY. Since this rarely happens, the current stats seem to place the effectiveness of the pill with regular (not perfect) use at about 92%.

If you're worried, use a condom. I've been on birth control for three years and no pregnancies yet.
Used correctly, birth control pills are better than 99% effective. (Less than one pregnancy per 100 women per year.) If he's also pulling out, that would increase effectivess considerably (but also frustrate him).

Since condoms ARE more effective than withdrawal, if 99% isnt' good enough for you, I'd probably stick with the condoms -- unless your boyfriend actually prefers pulling out.
Well, of course, there is always a risk. I got pregnant on Tricyclin. But everyone's body is different. If you truly want to protect against getting pregnant the only way to truly do that is by using birth control and condoms.

Hope this helps.
as long as you take it correctly its 99.9% effective a person who gets pregnant just doesnt follow directions. so dont listen to some of these people. birth control is the best way to prevent pregnancy if your sexually active. take it the same time everyday. dont miss any pills and dont take it with any other pills, which will effect the birth control from working
Just using the pill is up around the 97 or 98% effectiveness but personally I fell pregnant while on it and am now happily 16 weeks along.
i got pregnant while on birthcontrol, but then again i was taking antibiotics. But my bestfriend got pregnant on birthcontrol taken everyday at the same time. The chances are low but are possible
Most pills have 98-99% effectiveness when taken properly. That means same time every day, never missing one and not having antibiotics.
Well both times that I have gotten pregnat I was on birth control. Nothing is absolutely safe unless of course no sex at all.
i believe 1-5%

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