Friday, January 22, 2010

Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to smoke & risk explosion .Mind control or caring about it members?

Why don't most other religions make this stand ?Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to smoke %26amp; risk explosion .Mind control or caring about it members?
Yes, expelling people for smoking is something few organizations have the guts to do.

When the JW's made the decision to disfellowship those that smoke, the majority of JW smokers quit. Some didn't and left . . .

Yet, I have to admit that it is nice not to be around smokers. The world would be a better place if no one smoked.Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to smoke %26amp; risk explosion .Mind control or caring about it members?
There are many religions that state that smoking is bad for a person and that their members should not smoke. Surely you must agree with this concept. It has been scientifically proven that smoking does damage to the body and the mind, including lung cancer.

When a particular religion puts a ruling into their belief system, that does not mean that all the members take notice of it. The same applies to laws in certain Church's that ban alcohol.

Many people ignore the ruling and do it secretly, so as not to let other members know what they are doing. I have experienced this with my ex husband. Even I did not know that he was a drinker until it was too late. No matter what religion one belongs to,. if you are a member then surely you should abide by the rules, if you do not wish to, then leave that congregation.

As for the word ';Expelled';. The JW Church, sadly, cuts the person right out of the lives of their family and friends, by shunning.

But here again, if a JW did not want to abide by their rules, why belong to that particular Church in the first place.

This is where the word hypocrisy comes in. Pretending to be one thing whilst actually doing the opposite.

to JONES DEL - Mormons do have that ruling, but they do not expel their members if they do smoke. It is definitely looked down on, and many Mormons drink and smoke - under the table, shall we say. There is excommuniation for certain laws being broken, but not the smoking and drinking rule. Many Mormon members drink coffee for instance, but they are not ';banned'; because of it. Once again though, hypocrisy comes into play, because why belong to anything if you do not go along with their teachings.
I'm at a loss about the explosion part. but the reason most other religions don't make a stand for not smoking is because many people in the churches might be smokers and they don't want to loose the numbers so they make it acceptable so people are comfortable.

God's stand is: ';You must love your neighbor as yourself.'; (Matthew 22:39) Love for your neighbors—and your family members are your closest neighbors.

so how does 2nd hand smoke show love?


The Bible says that we should love God with our whole mind, heart, soul, and strength. That is something we cannot do if we are addicted to tobacco.—Mark 12:30.

it also says

“You created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)


';For by him we have life and move and exist'; (Acts 17:28)

so does this show respect for God's gift of life?

';many use tobacco, chew betel nut, or take drugs for recreational purposes. Such substances harm the body and often kill the users. A person who makes it a practice to use these substances does not view life as sacred.'; These practices are unclean in God’s eyes. (Romans 6:19; 12:1; 2 Corinthians 7:1)
Well, if JWs are so volatile (I had no idea!) that they explode around cigars and cigarettes, then forbidding them to smoke shows that the religion cares about its members. Seems like they would only need to be told about it once, though, and the taboo would be self-enforcing thereafter.
All traditional western religions control the minds of their members by instilling fear of the consequences if they don't agree with the basic tenets of their religion. Jehovah's witnesses are no different.

The reasons most of the people who practice a western religion deny the existence of mind control within their own faith are multiple. They might have a financial or egoistic stake in their own belief, or perhaps the impact of their own faith's mind manipulation hasn't set in yet and they are still giddy from the rush of their conversion, or maybe they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the definition of mind control (the mathematical average IQ of an American is less than 100 and god knows what it is for the rest of the world), or they could be true believers and either perfectly content with their beliefs, as well as perfectly sane, or in need of serious psychiatric counseling.

Having been raised in the fundamental Christian beliefs, I understand the allure that it has for many, because I too have felt its emotional and intellectual impact.

I think that for this reason, I also understand the mindsets of most Catholics, Orthodox Jews and Muslims, and I believe that until an adherent of one these faiths comes to an understanding of their particular religion's effective strategies to bring them into line, he does not understand her faith.

Contrary to what a typical user of this website may think, I neither agree with or disagree with the religions or their reasons for practicing mind control, I merely treat them and their tactics as facts and part of their reality. But I cannot condemn one faith for using the same tactics that the others consider fair to do if and when it benefits them to do so.

I will, however, lay down this warning. Until the majority of religionists, and I include the atheists in this group, since it was contrived in the West, shares this view the world and its flaws, I believe that world will never see peace and true progress.

For those of you who disagree with this philospy, which is not mine alone, I say good luck, because you'll need it every time you step on a plane or use an elevator to ascend a skyscraper, or perhaps, every time you visit your favorite mall. Only through tolerance of another person's beliefs will you ever feel safe.
' Think not that Allah Doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror-

they running forward necks outstretched, their heads uplifted, their gaze returning not towards them and their hearts a gaping void.

So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath will reach them' (Quran)

Commentary- The evil ones when they realise the situation will be dazed, their eyes will stare without expression and never move back, their necks will be outstretched, their heads uplifted in terror of the Judgment from on High and their hearts become empty of all hope or intelligence as the physical heart might become empty of blood when the circulation stops.

In this state they will press forward to Judgment.

When the time for Judgment comes there are two kinds of disillusionment waiting for the ungodly-

1) those who were misled and failed to see that each soul bears its own personal responsibility and cannot shift it on to others will turn to those who misled them in hope that they might intercede for them or do something to help them

They receive a plain answer ' if we had received the guidance of Allah we should have given it to you; to us it makes no difference whether we rage or bear (these torments) with patience for ourselves there is no escape (Quran).

2) Those who relied on Satan temptations to be misled by worldly desires. Satan will them say 'i deceived you. i had no power to force you; i had but to call and you came running. The promise of Allah ( and the final Day) was true.
I AM a Jehovah's Witness and we don't do that because it is unclean in God's eyes and God made our wonderful bodies so we should respect that. This is not mind control. Other religions do not do this because the do not know the truth. The religious leaders are hypocritical and why would they tell their congregation not to smoke if they are smoking themselves? I admit I have no idea what you mean about the explosion thing, though. I hope I helped you.
Just when I thought my day couldn't get better, that's thanks to you. I read this and laughed so hard my dogs came to see what was up.

I know what you meant, expulsion or expelled. Mind control? We can walk away any time we want to if we decided it's not what we want. But almost 100% of JWs do want it, it being everlasting life, and are willing to follow Bible guidelines. So what's wrong with caring about the congregation?

Keep them coming, Lone. And we'll all fight for you as the sanest, smartest 80 year old grouch in the world. Let your family know that.
Mormons do NOT EXPEL you for smoking. My mother is mormon and she smokes and does not even attend her church but they bring her food and drop by and are willing to do household chores for free, I am jw and we are not supposed to smoke for it would involve disfellowshipment on the grounds that it is not loving to your neighbors but i gotta say if she can smoke three packs a day she could afford her own food if she didn't couldn't she?
(You seriously need some english grammar lessons...)

It's not JUST is every one that understands that your body is the Temple where the Spirit of God resides, and you don't wantto put ';grafitty'; inside its walls.

Having said that, and since you are accountable to Him alone, why does the rest of the bunch object you having a cigarrette with your coffee at the end of your meal at night, if it does NOT constitute addiction, but mearly a pleasurable thing?

Is this ';peer presure'; ? I would think so...
Actually there are other groups/faiths, that take said stand on this and other issues that Witnesses take issue with. However, sadly, some seem to think this is some Scheme created by Witnesses in our bid to take over the world *hears Pinky and Brain music*.....
Most religions teach that your body is a temple and therefore you have to treat it well. Smoking is obviously a detriment to healthy living.

Never heard of explosions??? Mind control?? I thought you had free will to choose what you want to worship.
You mean expulsion lol

*gets wild mental image of elder exploding off the platform at the Kingdom Hall from the cigar he smoked before the meetings*


All Bible laws are there for our benefit- every single command of God is there to help us.

';This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit [yourself], the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk.'; (Isaiah 48:17)
I don't know about the 'risk explosion' part... but the JW's... like the Seventh Day Adventists, the Mormons, and many other conservative christian groups... see cigarette smoking as a sin because 'your body is the Temple of God'.
He doesn't mean explosion. He means expelled. Jehovah members who smoke can be shunned and kicked out of the Jehovah members community. Mormons also make this stand.
Thank you LD for that typO!!!

I don't want to KABOOM!

1) Caring = following God's Law.

2) They don't follow God's Law.

Wasn't that easier then going KABOOM!!! ?
I'm not really sure what the explosion thing refers too, but I don't understand how anyone can claim to live their life by the Bible and smoke.
Y'know, not smoking to avoid cancer is a sensible health reason... but to avoid it due to risk of explosion? Huh?
many people

I see is atheist

they are proud of who they are

other is other chrisitan

they are happy too

why they change their way if they are happy?
what's smoke and risk explosion. they are not allowed caring about other members? why would they want to make that stand? I like caring for others.
You are crazy *lights up cigarette*


I haven't laughed this good in awhile. LD that was funny. See what you did to Tears of Oberon? Poor guy.
You means expulsion. The expulsion part is a bit harsh, but smoking is dangerous
Risk explosion? What does that mean?
i dont understand your question
LOL What?!

Jehova's Witnesses are just door-to-door soul merchants, bro!

Read ';The Watchtower'; by Steven King, LOL!

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