Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ok my friend had sex with out birth control ... but her boyfriend iend used a condom so is she at risk to be p?

yeah i think that condoms only work about 90% of the time. but unless it came off or something than chances are she'll be fine.Ok my friend had sex with out birth control ... but her boyfriend iend used a condom so is she at risk to be p?
If he used it properly she's not pregnant nor will she be.Ok my friend had sex with out birth control ... but her boyfriend iend used a condom so is she at risk to be p?
I'm not sure what this says.... what grade are you in, and is it in English??

If your female had sex, she risks pregnancy. If she had unprotected sex, she is likely pregnant. sex = babies. Unprotected sex = babies for sure. If they used an already used condom?????(is this what this says???) then this would be regarded as unprotected sex, and your friend is likely pregnant.
She could be if the condom broke or if it fell off.
Anytime a penis goes into a vagina there is risk for pregnancy.

Although condoms are supposed to be 99 % effective, she should get a pregnancy test to calm her nerves.
Anytime you have sex, there is a huge chance that you are pregnant, birth control, condoms...any of those only limit the chances. Lots of women get pregnant while on birth control and using condoms, my best friend is proof. If you have sex, you are at huge risk at becoming pregnant. Sex is to make babies and enjoy with your husband/wife.
always a small risk. Tell her to take a test when the time comes if she's concerned.
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