Sunday, January 24, 2010

What are the risks of birth control?

My doctor recommended several brands of birth control pills to me on my last visit for shorter periods with less cramping (and the birth control part of it would be nice too)...

but I have seen the commercials and been on the websites of some pills like Yaz, etc. and seen the really severe side effects (like the first ones listed: heart attack and stroke).

I am REALLY worried about these possible side effects, but some of my friends are on the pill and only one has experienced hives when taking it.

Should I take it, is it worth it?What are the risks of birth control?
The packet has to carry those warnings about possible side effects, the list is long but so is the list of side effects for your average packet of pain killers if you look. Its so the drug company can't be sued for not informing you of a possible problem, even if only 1 in 100,000 women develop this problem.

As long as you have no family history of deep vein thrombosis (clots) then the pill should be perfectly safe for you, millions of women take it every year with no problems, its a very safe method of birth/period control.What are the risks of birth control?
There are some pills that don't have those side effects.

They are called the mini pill, although for some reason the implant which uses the same hormone has a high risk of heart attack etc, to the point that they tell you to take it out if you are going to be inactive. =O

It depends on yourself. They are rare but it has to happen to someone, and it does. The reason that is a side effect is that estrogen in particular causes the blood to be more likely to clot.

The risks are worse if you smoke, are obese or are over 30 but still exist in younger women. There are lots and lots of side effects, from weight gain (lik 30bs sometimes) to depression and suicidal thoughts, mood swings, nausea, changes in bleeding, etc etc.
i believe the stroke and other things are if u smoke and over age 30? dont hold me to that but pretty sure my sister takes pill and works great for her i used to recieve the shot and worked great. also my sister in law got the 10 year thing.not sure how that works lol but she hasnt had problems. ask your doctor best bet and let him know everything so he can tell you the good and the bads. Good luck!
not a lot of women get side effects..thats just something they warn you about just in case..i think the only bad effect on birth control is when you get off period will be very heavy..and the cramping will be on it now and im fine..i think its worth it because then you know that your 99.9% safe on not having children @ a young age..i think youll be fine..heart attacks really only happen when your over the age of 35
like any medicine/drug, there will be side effects but i think it's worth cramps are sooo much better now and the shorter periods are great..i don't recommend Yaz made me cramp all the time and made me more moody..but that's just my opinion.. i'd stick to a birth control that's been around for a while
dont take it!!!!!! theyre not good for your body what theyre tellinng your body is not to menstruate. thats not normal or healthy. and it can affect when you decide to get pregnant..or if you can. my sis was on it and she got sists in her ovaries and stuff. its just not healthy.dont do it

';no glove no love';

hahah keep that in mind instead
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